Why can’t I own a Canadian?

Why can't I own a Canadian?

In her radio show, Dr Laura Schlesinger said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following response is an open letter to Dr. Laura, written by a US man, and posted on the Internet. It’s funny, as well as informative: … Read more

As if Shakespeare were confirming Dostoievsky, and Dostoievsky Shakespeare

Shakespeare and friends

“It is as if Shakespeare were confirming Dostoievsky, and Dostoievsky Shakespeare. Only very ingenious persons will think that these two supreme students of the human mind, because they do not express themselves in scientific nomenclature or in the language of the twentieth century, must have been ignorant of truths that psychology is only now beginning … Read more

Am I myself possibly, thanks to one or more of them, living in a golden world?

William The Greatest

“Am I myself possibly, thanks to one or more of them, living in a golden world?Those who might be compelled to answer “yes” to this last question will generally be protected from asking it. Some instinct of self-preservation —or fear of death— will keep them from seeking where they might discover, could they understand them, … Read more

A symbol of the error that has spoiled their lives

William The Greatest

“Those who drown themselves in business or other work in order to forget what refuses to be forgotten are generally characterised by a quiet melancholy interrupted accasionally by spells of irritation or sudden spams of passion directed at some person or thing that, if analysed, is found to be a symbol of the error that has spoiled their lives.”

Goddard, H., The meaning of Shakespeare

On motivation

Daniel Pink, on motivation

This is an animated version of a lecture by Daniel Pink, very similar in content to the one that he delivered to TED. Quite interesting and thought provoking (some people may even start to understand how the web and some new technologies are working…)